Anyone who can afford to, yes, should take private dance lessons if you want to improve your dancing!
However, even as a dance teacher, I would still advise to take group classes first!
The perfect formula
Try out different group classes until you find ones you like.
Take those group classes consistently, twice per week until you plateau.
To surpass your plateau, take one private lesson with various dance instructors until you find someone you like.
Stop taking group classes for a while and instead take private classes with that dance instructor for once-twice per week until your body has adapted well to the new information. Once you've hit that plateau...
Stop the private lessons and test out different group classes in different levels until you find something that is appropriate for your learning level.
Take those group classes consistently, twice per week until you plateau...
Rinse and repeat going back and forth between privates and group classes. Just don't stop learning and progressing!
I'm too shy to take group dance lessons
Have you already tried taking group dance lessons, shy person? You might be surprised to discover that everyone is nervous when they enter a dance class for the first time. Ask anyone! Except for that extreme extrovert. Don't ask him. But even he has a zillion questions racing through his head.

No one really knows what they're doing. Everyone looks awkward. Everyone looks at each others' feet.
And, most importantly, everyone is concentrating on themselves or their partners just trying to figure it all out. So chill out! Everyone is working on themselves.
Keep trying group classes with that picture of everyone feeling awkward and the assurance that none of those students really know what they're doing.
If you still feel completely paralyzed, then don't let your shyness stop you from learning to dance. Dance is so rewarding, I promise!
Start with private dance lessons if that's the only way you feel you can start.
Not doing something you want to do out of shyness is not a life option. Go for it!
I'm good. I don't need private dance lessons.
Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? 😂 😉
Why not progress in your life and dance? Progress feels absolutely amazing.
If you've hit that point where you think you're good, the fact is you're probably plateaued. But progress feels amazing!
Private dance lessons will get you out of that plateau and back into learning and progress.

I've already taken private classes. Now I'm good.
Again, if you can afford private classes and you like the feeling of progress... take private classes. Progress feels absolutely amazing.
How to start?
Reach out to a dance instructor who you like, visually, has a good reputation amongst other dancers, and that you enjoy being around.
Don't pay for a dance package immediately!
Instead, arrange for ONE class.
Plan A: if all goes well in your first lesson, then you can pay for a package.
Plan B: if you don't like it, or something didn't go well during your first lesson, ask another instructor until you find someone you like that can help you progress!
In the comments, tell the readers about your dance journey and if and when you've taken private dance lessons how it worked out for you.