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How to Dance On2 Salsa

Been struggling to learn Salsa On2? There's no magic pill to learn "On 2," "New York Salsa," or "Mambo," as it's often referred to. Counting doesn't ingrain it in your body. Here's what worked and didn't for me

Dance is often compared to languages, and like languages you can become "fluent" in a dance.

What helped me learn to dance Salsa On2

The most impactful action that made me a "fluent" On2 dancer was intensive classes during a prolonged length of time. What does that look like? I took:

  • exclusively On2 classes

  • three times per week

  • two hours per class 

  • for two and a half months, equating to about 60 hours of uninterrupted On2 classes

Plan to take as many classes On2 classes as you can during the week for at least three months!

Salsa dancing at a pool party in Miami, Florida.
Dancing Salsa in Miami. At this point I was "fluent" in Salsa.

During this prolonged focus On2, I actively sought out On2 dancers at Salsa socials and verbalized that I wanted to dance On2. Underline that: agree from the beginning that you'll be dancing On2.

For three months I avoided any On1 dance classes and dancing at socials. This was a conscious, strategic decision, not motivated by snobbery of any kind. A hunch told me that complete immersion during that learning stage would be critical for me to finally learn. And it worked!

Like languages, most people learn by "immersion." There is still that occasional person that even while fully immersed in the language will never learn it, but those are rare circumstances.

What worked against me when trying to learn to dance Salsa On2

❌ First, I had a silly notion that taking a few private classes in Puerto Rico would speed up the learning process. That was a complete failure. Bless their hearts, the instructors are well-respected and dance On2 consistently, but it was preposterous for me to think that they could magically make me hear or "feel" it in three hours of private classes. Use private classes to perfect your technique and apply them to a cool step or style that the instructor is well-known for. That is accomplishable within a few private classes. Becoming fluent in Salsa On2 is not.

❌ On2 classes were offered as a novelty in Cairo where I was living. Neither the instructors nor myself were consistent with the classes, so that failed as well. Following along to shines and following the teacher was fine, but as soon as I coupled up with a student, everyone was lost. We still couldn't feel where to step.

❌ Lacking any On2 immersion, I would still try to dance it at Salsa socials, which was, of course doomed to failure because my partner wasn't fluent, either! 😄 Instead, dance with someone who is actually fluent during your immersion. Hint: if they have to count out loud, they probably aren't fluent.

If you really want to understand why some dancers rave about On2, and want to dance with those top dancers, give yourself at least a few months to really immerse yourself. Tell me about your journey on my Instagram.

Two couples pose in a dance "dip"
My first year dancing academy-style Salsa. Jordan Salsa festival 2007.

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