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Dancevacay in

March 11 - 24, 2024

Buenos Aires = Tango


If you love dancing Tango, then you've got to go to Buenos Aires, of course!

  • Take classes with locals

  • Attend CITA, the famous, "Best Tango Festival"

  • Your lodging is close to the hotel where CITA is held

  • If you can, stay for the full two weeks so you can get a taste for the culture and life of bustling Buenos Aires



  1. Accommodations

  2. Transportation to and from the airport in a shared shuttle



  1. Airfare

  2. Meals and beverages

  3. Transport (if you are coming for the festival, we are within a short walk of the hotel where CITA is held)

  4. Classes, socials and festival pass
    DISCOUNT CODE for the CITA Tango festival: Use the discount code " JF " courtesy of Jere Fors, a Tango dancer, instructor and festival promoter.


Note: this is not the official CITA hotel. This is a reserved apartment by an individual who is offering two bedrooms during the festival.

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2-bedroom apartment in Buenos Aires, near the hotel where the famous CITA Tango festival is held this year.


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